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    LSU names veterinary education alumni honorees

    Three veterinarians were recently presented with the 2023 Distinguished Alumnus Award.Photos courtesy of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine.Oliver Garden (left), BVetMed, PhD,...

    Flipping the script

    Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA, interviews host Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, on this week's episode of The Vet Blast PodcastSubscribe to The Vet Blast Podcast on Apple...

    Multiple states announce cattle import restrictions

    Cattle from states with influenza cases are facing travel restrictions, despite WOAH recommending against it littlewolf1989/stock.adobe.comAlabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky,...
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    Owner survey finds alarming attitudes towards parasite prevention

    The Banfield survey found nearly 40% of dog and cat owners don't believe their pet is at risk of getting heartwormPrzemyslaw Iciak / stock.adobe.comIn...

    Mastering corneal ulcers (part 2)

    After diagnosing an infected corneal ulcer, determine the appropriate medical management as a general practitioner or determine if it needs surgery from an ophthalmologistJoshua...

    WSAVA announces new Global Vaccination Guidelines for Vets.

    World small animals veterinary association (WSAVA) announces first big guideline edit since 2015 for Vets , lets see them now.
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    Leopard | Basics about leopards

    All you need to know about leopard - leopard's origin, life cycle, reproduction and behaviors are here

    Male cat’s nipples and teats.

    Many Cats' lovers ask if male cats have nipples or teats or not ? How many and why ?

    Skin Scraping for Dogs and Cats to detect mites

    Skin scraping is one of the most common dermatologic diagnostic tests to detect ectoparasites especially in cats and dogs skin. skin scraping is a basic...
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    popcorning behavior in guinea pig – sudden jumping behaviour

    learn about the popcorning behavior in guinea pig which characterize by sudden jumping with body twisting and what dose this mean ?

    An inspiring story of a Stray Cat Who Lost All Four Legs and Her Tail but still lives well.

    An inspiring story of a Stray Cat Who Lost All Four Legs and Her Tail but still live well with 3d printed titanium paws

    How to know my cat breed.

    You won't have any complications in detection of the cat breed after you know this app , cat scanner is AI app which is so helpful.
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