

    Mohamed Nasr

    Hello everyone. I am Mohamed Nasr , a Vet student from Egypt , and I write online articles for Vet-Alex .

    hair loss in cats by Vet-alex

    know the causes and prevention of hair loss in cats and how to treat it very easily in home .

    Diff quik stain in Veterinary medicine

    Diff-Quik stain is used to rapidly stain and differentiate a variety of pathology specimens in the veterinary medicine learn how to use it.

    WSAVA announces new Global Vaccination Guidelines for Vets.

    World small animals veterinary association (WSAVA) announces first big guideline edit since 2015 for Vets , lets see them now.

    Male cat’s nipples and teats.

    Many Cats' lovers ask if male cats have nipples or teats or not ? How many and why ?

    Skin Scraping for Dogs and Cats to detect mites

    Skin scraping is one of the most common dermatologic diagnostic tests to detect ectoparasites especially in cats and dogs skin. skin scraping is a basic...

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